Category: WW News!

Incoming Kindergarten Play Date!

Incoming Kindergarten Play Date!

August 24, 2024 from 10 -11am

at the Walt Whitman Elementary School Primary Grades Playground

We would like to invite all our incoming kindergarteners to come and play. This is a great chance for your children to meet new friends and become acquainted with each other in a causal, no-pressure setting before the 1st days of school. You may also get to hang out other parents and Mr. Snyder, our principal.

We hope to see you at the play date and look forward to meeting you and your children. If you have any questions over the summer feel free to reach out to us at any time.

Karen Ostrick & Cindy Ho

Field Day Lunch Orders

Field Day Lunch Orders

Field Day 2024 will be Tuesday, June 11th, (rain date 6/14) and it will be including lunch! Please fill out this form to place your child’s food order.  Please note due to allergy safety concerns, you must fill out this form for your child to receive food. All orders must be received by May 28th.

Questions? Contact: Melanie Eisenberg, Elana Gofman and Melissa Forman.


Please note: Even if you did NOT select a Field Day t-shirt size – your child will STILL get one.

5th Grade Seat Lottery

5th Grade Seat Lottery

The 5th Grade Moving Up seat selection will be held Monday, May 20th from 2:45-3:15pm outside the walker pick up area at Whitman.

Each family may pick a number that will determine your seats for the moving up ceremony. We will have both the seating chart showing the audience seats as well as the diagram showing your child on the stage which you have already received.  You will either pick from the right side lottery or the left side lottery, depending on your child’s location on the stage.

While each family is given 4 seats for graduation, the assigned seats chosen Monday will only be for 2 seats. The other 2 seats will be “general admission” in the 4th row and back.  We understand this may be stressful for some families however, fairness and space constraints dictate this decision. Young children are welcome to sit on their parents’ lap.

If you are unable to attend Monday’s seat selection and would like a friend to pick for you please email us at to provide your authorization. For any remaining families who do not pick or send a proxy, we will pick for you and can provide you with a recording of it on request. Thank you and good luck!

Inna and Karen 

Teacher & Staff Awards 2024

Teacher & Staff Awards 2024

Our Teachers & Staff 2024 Award Recipients:

NYS PTA Honorary Life: Ms. O’Toole, Ms. Witzenbocker

NYS PTA Golden Oak: Ms. Weist

NYS PTA Community Service: Walt Whitman Security Staff

WW Triple Gold: Ms. Levien

Certificate of Appreciation (Retirement): Mr. Rizzi, Ms. Moffett