
School Spirit Days are every FRIDAY!

Please note: dates are always tentative. Please check the weekly newsletter for the most up to date information.

Click here for the district Calendar.

September 2023

4 – Labor Day – No School

5 – **First Day of School**

7 – PTA Meeting (BOE visits) 7:30pm

8 – Welcome Back Picnic

9 – Newcomer Social at 7pm @ The Sondhi’s 

11 – Board of Education Mtg, SW 8pm

14 – School Store OPENS

18 – Class Parent signup deadline

19 – SEPTA Mtg, Village 7:45pm

19 – Picture Day

21 – Open House 

25 – No School

28 – Class Parent Intro Meeting, 2pm

28 – School Store

30 – 5th Grade Car Wash Fundraiser (rain date is in spring)


3 – Board of Education Mtg, SW 8pm

4 – Syosset Council of PTAs newcomers reception (k-12)

5 – School Store (with Kindergarten)

9 – No School

10 – PTA Meeting 10:00am

12-13 – Fall Book Fair

13 – SEPTA Family Movie Night – RL 6:30pm

16 – PARP Opening Ceremony

16 – 27 – PARP [PTA Pick a Reading Partner] 

17- PARP Evening Activities 

18 – Board of Education Mtg, SW 8pm

19 – School Store 

20 – Reflections Submission Deadline

20 – SHS Carnival

23 – SEPTA Mtg, Walt Whitman 7:45pm

25 – PTA Council General Meeting, Baylis 7:45pm [Delegates]

30 – PTA Council Evening Program – Virtual: Elementary Report Cards 

31 – Fall Festival 


1 – PTA Meeting 7:30pm

1 – PTA Executive Board Mtg (prior to PTA mtg)

1 – Form Nominations Committee

2 – School Store

3 – Picture Retake Day

5 – Daylight Savings

6 – Board of Education Mtg, SW 8pm

7 – No School

7 – Parents teacher conferences (all day)

9 – 5th Grade Dodgeball Night

9 – End of First Marking Period

10 – No School

14 – Parent teacher conferences 3:45 – 4:15p

15 – PTA Council Executive Meeting at Whitman 7:45pm

16 – K-2 Thanksgiving placemats and frame decorating [TBD]

16 – Sugar Crazy/Kidcessories Fundraiser  11a – 6p

16 – Parent teacher conferences 3:15 – 4:15p

16 – School Store

20 – Thanksgiving luncheon (9a – 2p)

20 – Board of Education Mtg, SW 8pm

21 – SEPTA Mtg, Robbins Lane, 7:45pm

23 – 24 – No School 

27 – PTA Council Evening Program Virtual: DASA and Code of Conduct

30 – Family Fun Night

30 – School Store


4 – Board of Education Mtg, SW 8pm

5 – PTA Meeting, 10:00am

7-8 – Holiday Boutique

11-15 – AinE – National Circus Project

11 – PTA Council General Meeting, Village 7:45pm [Delegates]

12 – Winter Concerts

14 – School Store

15 – 5th Grade Circus Show for Parents

25-29 – No School

January 2024

1 – No School

4 – PTA Meeting, 7:30pm

4 – Form Awards Committee [PlaceHolder]

4 – School Store 

8 – Board of Education Mtg, SW 8pm

15 – No School

18 – School Store

22 – 26 – Multicultural Week

24 – Multicultural Evening Event

26 – End of Second Marking Period

29 – PTA Council Evening Program Virtual: How to Navigate the District Website 

30 – SEPTA Mtg, Baylis 7:45pm


1 – School Store

1 – Parents Night Out 

6 – PTA Meeting, 10:00am

7 – Chipotle fundraiser

12 – Someone Special Recess Craft – Lunchtime

12 – Reflections Ceremony, SW 7pm

12 – Budget & Board of Education Meeting, SW 8pm

13 – PTA Council General Meeting, HBT 7:45pm [Delegates]

13 – No School (Elementary Only)

15 – School Store

19-23 – No School

28 – PTA Council Evening Program – Trends in Substance Abuse – LICADD, 7:30pm Virtual

28 – 5th Grade Movie Night 7:30pm

29 – SEPTA Mtg, Virtual, 7:45pm


1 – Communication Conference Deadline

4– SEPTA Evening Event

6 – Walt Whitman Reflections Events – 6:30p

6 – PTA Meeting (Annual Business Meeting & Elections), 7:30p

7- PTA Council Evening Program – Celebrate Calm

7 – School Store

8-9 – HBT Musical Performance (The Little Mermaid – Junior Show)

10 – Daylight Savings Begins

11 – Budget & Board of Education Meeting, SW 8pm

13 – Parent Teacher Conferences, 5-8pm 

14 – Arts in Education Program

14-15 – Spring Book Fair

15-16 – SHS Musical Performance 

18 – Tentative – Family Fun Night grades K-2 6:30pm

19 – Parent Teacher Conferences, 3:15-4:15 pm

21 – School Store

21 – Parent Teacher Conferences 5-8pm 

21 – SEPTA Meeting, AP Willits 7:45pm

26 – Parent Teacher Conferences 3:15-4:15 pm

26 – Tentative – Family Fun Night grades 3-4, 7pm

28-29 – No School


4 – PTA Meeting, 10am

4 – School Store

5 – End of Third Marking Period

5 – 5th Grade Fundraiser – United Skates of America

10 – No School

11-17 – Grades 3-4 ELA

11 – Bingo Night – 7pm

12 – SHS Family Astronomy Night

15-16 – Grade 5 ELA

15 – PTA Council General Meeting, Berry Hill 7:45pm [Delegates]

16 – Budget & Board of Education Meeting, SW 8pm

17 – SEPTA Mtg, Berry Hill, 7:45pm

18 – School Store

22-30 – No School


2 – School Store

3 – Fun Fair 5:15-7:30pm

6 – PTA Meeting (BOE visits), 7:30pm

8 – Fun Fair (rain date) 6-8 pm

9 – Plant Sale

14 – Planting Day

13-17 – Staff Appreciation Week @ Walt Whitman

13 – Budget & Board of Education Meeting, SW 8pm

17 – Staff Recognition Event (Breakfast)

18 – Tentative 5th Grade Car Wash

20 – 5th Grade Trip – Driftwood 

21 – Annual District Election and Budget Vote, 6am-9pm

22 – SEPTA Award Ceremony at HBT

23 – No School 

24 – No School 

27 – No School

28 – Spring Concert, HBT

30 – PTA Celebration of Culture Showcase, 7pm

30 – PTA Council General Meeting, SHS 7:45pm [Delegates]

30 – 2024-25 Committee Sign Up Deadline 

30 – School Store


4 – PTA Meeting – PTA Awards/Officer Installation, 7:00p

10 – 5th Grade Picnic 

10 – Board of Education Meeting, SW 8pm

11 – Field Day

12 – Fun Run (Rain Date)

13 – School Store

13 – 5th Grade Picnic (Rain Date)

14 – Field Day (Rain Date) 

17 – No School

19 – No School

20 – 5th Grade Moving Up Ceremony 

20 – 5th Grade Dance at The Muttontown Club

26 – End of Fourth Marking Period

26 – **Last Day of School**

All dates below are TENATIVE.