It’s time to get our hands dirty and celebrate Planting Day! Join us as we honor Earth Day by planting the remaining plants from our sale alongside the kids all day on May 14th. We’ve also saved a special space for our graduating 5th graders. It’s going to be a day filled with greenery, laughter, and memories you won’t want to miss. Whether you’re a seasoned gardener or just eager to lend a hand, everyone is welcome to join in the fun!
The preparations for the Plant Sale have kicked off! Click the link below to sign up as a volunteer and assist the children in finding their perfect plants. Remember, not all items will be available at all times, so please provide backup options for your child. Additionally, we’ll be accepting cash or check made out to Walt Whitman PTA.
Please SAVE THE DATE for our PTA’s annual Fun Fair – Friday, May 3rd from 5:30pm – 7:30pm. More details to follow. In order to make this event extra special for our children we will need help from our Walt Whitman community.
We are asking all parents to please make one or more “themed” donation(s) to help create and fill baskets that will be raffled off at the Fun Fair. Themes by class are listed below. All contributions are appreciated no matter the amount or quantity NO LATER than 4/12.
For your convenience, we have created an Amazon Wishlist to help you with donation ideas. These items are to be shipped directly to the address under Tara Bensol at 4 Hillcrest Lane Woodbury NY 11797.
Any additional items you may want to donate (i.e. Sports tickets, unopen items) or any gift cards would be greatly accepted and appreciated as well. We realize that not everything is on Amazon so if you prefer to buy or donate something, please drop it off at Cara Kaplan at 3 Fairbanks Blvd Woodbury NY 11797 for collection (please just drop off & label with class name) PLEASE NOTHING IS TO BE SENT TO SCHOOL
If you have any questions please contact Tara Bensol, Cara Kaplan, Niki Gionis or Cindy Ho.
As always, we appreciate your continued support and generosity. We know with all your help it will be a huge success! More details to come soon!