Tag: Walt Whitman Elementary

Next Makers Space Recess!

Next Date: 2/25 and 2/28. Sign Up to help below!!
Kids had fun with Krafty Hands!It was a great event and we love to see more parents helping to direct the activities for the students during our indoor recess. Please reach out if you’re interested in helping us inspire our students during recess! Click here to Volunteer. Do you have skills in athletics, creative arts, STEM, or another area of interest? We’d love for you to share your passion with our students through a Maker Space Recess activity! Click here submit your interest. |
Questions? Contact: Sunita Hansraj, Stella Wei and Valerie Kesten |

2024-2025 Spirit Wear is HERE!
Don’t miss out on our amazing collection which will only be available until 9/20!

Staff Recognition 2024
Staff Appreciation Week culminated in a warm and spectacular WHITMANWOOD breakfast on Friday with a presentation of staff awards.
Thank you to our chairs Tara Bensol, Amanda Fickler, Ashley Cohen, Carly Goodman, and VP Pam Bahiri.
Click here for photos of the event!

Spring Plant Sale!
Thursday, May 9th, 2024.
The preparations for the Plant Sale have kicked off! Click the link below to sign up as a volunteer and assist the children in finding their perfect plants. Remember, not all items will be available at all times, so please provide backup options for your child. Additionally, we’ll be accepting cash or check made out to Walt Whitman PTA.
Questions? Contact: Michelle Kim, Allison Soren & Ashley Cohen

PTA Meeting
Join us on January 4th at 7:30pm.

PTA Meeting Today!

Join us today at Walt Whitman Elementary School – 10am.

Welcome Back!
Welcome back to all of our returning Walt Whitman Families! We hope you all had a wonderful summer that was relaxing and recharging. We are so excited for an amazing school year.
We have so many wonderful events and activities coming up. Please check your emails for updates and make sure your signed up for a PTA membership. https://waltwhitmanpta.memberhub.com/store. Don’t forget that you need to sign up each year for a membership.
Any questions please reach out to us (Inna Choi or Karen Ostrick) at presidents@waltwhitmanpta.org.

Walt Whitman Discount Card!
Back by popular demand!
New Special “Back to School” Pricing.
Help support the Walt Whitman Elementary by a Discount Card. Open to Everyone! You do not need to be a Walt Whitman Family to purchase a card.
It’s a wallet sized card with 22 local vendors offering discounts to any cardholder. The card is valid 1 year (from September 1, 2023 till August 31, 2024).

Kindergarten Play Date 2023
Join us on Sunday, August 27th at 10am in the primary playground at Walt Whitman Elementary School. Enter the playground through the right side of the building gate. Can’t wait to meet you all.