Category: PTA Updates

Field Day Lunch Orders

Field Day Lunch Orders

Field Day 2024 will be Tuesday, June 11th, (rain date 6/14) and it will be including lunch! Please fill out this form to place your child’s food order.  Please note due to allergy safety concerns, you must fill out this form for your child to receive food. All orders must be received by May 28th.

Questions? Contact: Melanie Eisenberg, Elana Gofman and Melissa Forman.


Please note: Even if you did NOT select a Field Day t-shirt size – your child will STILL get one.

2024-25 Committees Are Up!

2024-25 Committees Are Up!

We’re excited to announce that Walt Whitman Elementary PTA is reinvigorating many of our pre-pandemic committees with even some new ones and we’re eager for your participation!

As valued partners in your child’s educational journey, your energy and dedication are essential to our school community. Whether you’re passionate about literacy, event planning, or simply making a difference, there’s a place for you on one of our dynamic committees. From igniting a love for reading with our Book Fair team to creating cherished memories with our Fun Fair group, there’s something for everyone. Your involvement shapes the experiences and opportunities we provide for our students.

Specific dates for committee activities will be out in June, but rest assured, we’ll keep you informed every step of the way. We encourage you to seize this opportunity to become an integral part of your child’s education.

Remember, teamwork makes the dream work. Visit our website for committee details and submit your application by May 31st. Thank you for your unwavering commitment and dedication!

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at

Click on the Committees Tab to find out about the new committees and how you can let us know what you are interested in!

Spring Plant Sale!

Spring Plant Sale!

Thursday, May 9th, 2024.

The preparations for the Plant Sale have kicked off! Click the link below to sign up as a volunteer and assist the children in finding their perfect plants. Remember, not all items will be available at all times, so please provide backup options for your child. Additionally, we’ll be accepting cash or check made out to Walt Whitman PTA.

Questions? Contact: Michelle Kim, Allison Soren & Ashley Cohen

Thanksgiving Pie Sale is BACK!

Thanksgiving Pie Sale is BACK!

Please support the Walt Whitman PTA and buy delicious award winning baked goods from White Post Farms by participating in our Thanksgiving Pie Sale Fundraiser this holiday season.  It is one less thing to have to make yourself on Thanksgiving day. Pick up will be on November 21st at Allison Mayer’s home. Orders must be placed by Friday , November 3rd.