Membership has its privileges!
Join now for only $15 per adult or $25 for a family bundle!
To join our PTA please go to
and choose “Standard” or “Family bundle” membership.
Once you have filled out your personal information click “Add To Cart”.
Choose “Additional Family member” if you wish to add a spouse – the family bundle membership covers 1 additional member.
All memberships are $15.
Thank you for supporting the PTA!
Questions? Please contact: Michelle Kim at michki21@gmail.com
PTA speaks for every child with one voice! Here are some other reasons to join PTA as member!
- Free family engagement platform for your PTA and school through MemberHub
- Parent and leadership materials, available on our website and sent via such as NYS PTA Connection and our Resource Guide
- Member Benefits such as discount offers on products and services
- Access to PTA programs and awards, such as:
- Reflections Art Program
- Pick a Reading Partner Program
- Student awards and scholarships like the Youth Humanitarian Award and the Jenkins Scholarship
- Teacher Awards like the Gazzola Fellowship
- Region and State volunteers to lend a helping hand
- Annual Convention, leadership conferences and other programs to support you as a parent leader
- A voice in Albany and in our nation’s Capital, as NYS PTA advocates daily on issues affecting our children at Lobby Days and other advocacy events